Rome,May 2010
The Event
The debate will be split into two sessions.
The first session aims look at the Economics of the Good Life, from both a measurement and a global perspective. This section poses questions about how we might define the good life, and measure it, and whether the good life can be defined in ways which make it internationally comparable.
The second session looks at the Ethics and Politics of Happiness, at whether happiness should be an individual or collective concern, and how far states should get involved in pursuing the happiness of their citizens.
Both sessions will take the form of an open debate that makes good use of the variety of viewpoints at our disposal – statistical, economic, philosophical, political and literary – to give as broad and interesting a discussion as possible.
After each initial presentation and discussion by the panellists, each session will be opened up to the floor for questions & answers. After this, each table will be given one key question to tackle by the panel (seating is “cabaret style”, with about ten delegates to each table). Each table will discuss these issues and then we will round off each session once more with a brief feedback in plenary.
The debates will be held in English.
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